08 May 2018

Alpaca shearing week at TOFT


Last week at HQ we saw the annual shearing of the alpaca herd. With the help of the TOFT team the shearing took place on the 1stand 2ndof May. The studio opened as normal from 10am-4pm and welcomed visitors to watch the shearing and take part in a free drop spindle demo which was ran by our creative experts!


Shearing an alpaca


In total TOFT have 115 alpacas that were all shorn in a super quick turn around of just over one day! It’s important that shearing takes place every year around the month of May so that the alpacas don’t get too toasty when the summer sun beams down onto the fields.


Alpaca waiting to be sheared


Each alpaca produces a magnificent fleece that can be spun into yarn. Alongside the shearing ran a drop spindle demo which visitors were encouraged to go along to and see the fresh fleece being spun into beautiful natural yarn.


Spinning alpaca fleece into yarn with a drop spindleBags of alpaca fleece


After the alpacas were shorn they trotted back into the fields sporting their new, fresh looks. Come along to TOFT and see them and the tiny cria yourself!


Freshly sheared alpacas