ed's index: animals

edsanimals edward’s menagerie checklist kerry lord amigurumi crochet animals


edwards menagerie crochet bunny pattern edwards menagerie crochet cat pattern edwards menagerie crochet polar bear pattern edwards menagerie crochet elephant pattern edwards menagerie crochet sheep pattern

Emma the Bunny

Alexandre the Russian Blue Cat
Piotr the Polar Bear
Bridget the Elephant
Simon the Sheep
edwards menagerie crochet hippo pattern edwards menagerie crochet alpaca pattern edwards menagerie crochet rhino pattern edwards menagerie crochet lion pattern edwards menagerie crochet pig pattern
Georgina the Hippo
Seamus the Alpaca
Austin the Rhino
Rufus the Lion
Richard the Large White Pig
edwards menagerie crochet gorilla pattern edwards menagerie crochet aardvark pattern edwards menagerie crochet bear pattern edwards menagerie crochet dorset down sheep pattern edwards menagerie crochet panda pattern
Germaine the Gorilla
Winston the Aardvark
Penelope the Bear
Hank the Dorset Down Sheep
Fiona the Panda
edwards menagerie crochet siamese cat pattern edwards menagerie crochet donkey pattern edwards menagerie crochet chimpanzee pattern edwards menagerie crochet koala pattern edwards menagerie crochet highland cow pattern
Juno the Siamese Cat
Angharad the Donkey
Benedict the Chimpanzee
Samuel the Koala
Douglas the Highland Cow
edwards menagerie crochet tiger pattern edward's menagerie crochet pony pattern edwards menagerie crochet saddleback pig pattern edwards menagerie crochet zebra pattern edwards menagerie crochet nanny goat pattern
Laurence the Tiger
Chardonnay the Palomino Pony
Claudia the Saddleback Pig
Alice the Zebra

Audrey the Nanny Goat

edwards menagerie crochet bat pattern edwards menagerie crochet tabby cat pattern edwards menagerie crochet friesian cow pattern edwards menagerie crochet jack russel pattern edwards menagerie crochet giraffe pattern
Clarence the Bat
Martin the Tabby Cat
Sarah the Friesian Cow
Timmy the Jack Russell
Caitlin the Giraffe
edwards menagerie crochet fox pattern edwards menagerie crochet orangutan pattern edwards menagerie crochet monkey pattern edwards menagerie crochet red squirrel pattern edwards menagerie crochet cheetah pattern
Esme the Fox
Blake the Orangutan
Siegfried the Monkey
Boris the Red Squirrel
Hamlet the Cheetah
edwards menagerie crochet hedgehog pattern edward's menagerie crochet raccoon pattern edwards menagerie crochet grey squirrel pattern edwards menagerie crochet zwartbles sheep pattern edwards menagerie crochet wolf pattern
Francis the Hedgehog
Jessie the Raccoon
Bradlee the Grey Squirrel
Noah the Zwartbles Sheep
Christophe the Wolf
edwards menagerie crochet kangaroo pattern edwards menagerie crochet lemur pattern edwards menagerie crochet dromedary camel pattern edwards menagerie crochet armadillo pattern edwards menagerie crochet snow leopard pattern
Sheila the Kangaroo
Andre the Lemur
Erica the Dromedary Camel
Frank the Armadillo
Mae the Snow Leopard
edwards menagerie crochet sloth pattern edwards menagerie crochet badger pattern edwards menagerie crochet skunk pattern edwards menagerie crochet reindeer pattern edwards menagerie crochet moose pattern
Harriet the Three-Toed Sloth
Susan the Badger
Zack the Skunk
Donna the Reindeer
Logan the Moose
alpaca crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie she crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Simone the Suri Alpaca
Fred the Herdwick Sheep
Eustice the Beltex Sheep
Tobias the Hebridian Sheep
Seth the Wensleydale Sheep
sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie gibbon crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie anteater crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie platypus crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Tracy the Racka Sheep
Xavier the Gibbon
Sid the Giant Anteater
Caroline the Platypus
Harold the Teeswater Sheep
baboon crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie alpaca crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie warthog crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie muskox crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie hare crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Gabriel the Baboon
Quin the Huacaya Alpaca
Bertrand the Warthog
Romulus the Muskox
Matilda the Arctic Hare
rhino crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie mammoth crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie tapir crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie fox crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie meerkat crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Viktor the Woolly Rhino
Senka the Woolly Mammoth
Steve the Tapir
Luke the Flying Fox
James the Meerkat
tapir crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie oryx crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie goat crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dachshund crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie mouse crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Sandra the Malayan Tapir
Jason the Oryx
Adam the Boer Goat
Rosie the Dachshund
Hannah the Mouse
fox crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie okapi crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie weimaraner crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie labrador crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie poodle crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Stephanie the Fennec Fox
Bruno the Okapi
Maximilian the Weimaraner
Eleanor the Labrador
Millie the Poodle
pug dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie terrier dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie staff terrier dog crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dalmatian crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Spencer the Pug
Geoff the Westie
Annie the Red Setter
Hollie the Staffie
Mark the Dalmatian
dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie spaniel dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie schnauzer dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Jed the Border Collie
Len the Springer Spaniel
Romeo the Schnauzer
Laura the Chinese Crested
Samson the Old English Sheepdog
dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie boxer dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie spaniel dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Doris the Shih Tzu
Kate the Boxer
Holmes the Basset Hound
Saxon the Cocker Spaniel
Amy the Afghan Hound
husky dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie terrier dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie terrier dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie terrier dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Lexi the Husky
Rachel the Bedlington Terrier
Reginald the Scottie
Evelyn the Chihuahua
Rooney the Border Terrier
dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie fox crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie tiger crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie leopard crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie mole crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Axel the German Shepherd
Aurora the Arctic Fox
Prince the White Tiger
Tom the Leopard
Derek the Mole
sloth crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie beaver crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie hare crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie unicorn crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie ox crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Natasha the Two-Toed Sloth
Linda the Beaver
Lucy the Hare
Chablis the Unicorn
Lance the Ox
panther crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie wombat crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie quokka crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Claire the Panther
Dominic the Swaledale Sheep
Lou the Merino Sheep
Libby the Wombat
Kylie the Quokka
possum crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie Tasmanian devil crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie echidna crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie wallaby crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie stag crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Edna the Possum

Shane the Tasmanian Devil

Hugh the Echidna
Karl the Wallaby
Tarquin the Fallow Stag
dormouse crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie bear crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie tamarin crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie cat crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dragon crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Freya the Dormouse
Julia the Sun Bear
Balthazar the Golden Lion Tamarin
Nousha the Persian Cat
George the Dragon
rabbit crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie pegasus crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie buffalo crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie llama crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Lauren the Angora Rabbit
Bryn the Welsh Mountain Sheep
Diablo the Buffalo
Archie the Llama
deer crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie horse crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie spaniel dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie rat crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie chinchilla crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Oisin the Irish Deer
Pat the Shire Horse
Philip the King Charles Spaniel
Ian the Rat
Jake the Chinchilla
mouse crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie camel crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie pig crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Chloe the Wood Mouse
Lincoln the Bactrian Camel
Franklin the Colobus Monkey
Barry the Woolly Pig
Russell the Saki Monkey
primate crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie primate crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Joan the Bonobo
Theodor the Capuchin Monkey
Gerard the Emperor Tamarin
Keith the Proboscis Monkey
Kirk the Silvery Marmoset
monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie primate crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie primate crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie primate crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie primate crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Charlotte the Silver Leaf Monkey
Isla the Douc Langur
Kimberley the Japanese Macaque
Yvonne the Lion Tailed Macaque
Sadie the Crested Black Macaque
monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie monkey crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie otter crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Abel the Howler Monkey
Eli the Grey Langur
Mabel the Brown Spider Monkey
Natalie the Otter
Barbara the Border Leicester Sheep
sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie bilby crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sheep crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Lynn the Jacob Sheep
Deborah the Kerry Hill Sheep
Lisa the Valais Blacknose Sheep
Judy the Bilby

Molly the Suffolk Sheep

terrier dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie samoyed puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie terrier dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie dog puppy crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie

Connor the Irish Terrier

Angelina the Samoyed
Dorothy the Yorkshire Terrier
Lyon the Dogue de Bordeaux
Zoe the Pumi
lynx crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie caribou crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie red panda crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie sloth bear crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie french bulldog crochet amigurumi project pattern kerry lord Edward's menagerie
Lillith the Lynx
Caspar the Peary Caribou
Gloria the Red Panda
William the Sloth Bear
nzo the French Bulldog
toft constance the porcelaine amigurumi crochet animal toft chad the american water spaniel amigurumi crochet animal toft babel the puli amigurumi crochet animal toft don the golden retriever amigurumi crochet animal toft ella the rotweiler amigurumi crochet animal
Constance the Porcelaine
Chad the American Water Spaniel
abel the Puli
on the Golden Retriever
lla the Rottweiler
toft wenni the chow chow amigurumi crochet animal toft myra the bichon frise amigurumi crochet animal toft tyrone the english bull terrier amigurumi crochet animal toft gemma the whippet amigurumi crochet animal toft joyce the irish wolfhound amigurumi crochet animal
Wenni the Chow Chow
Myra the Bichon Frise
Tyrone the English Bull Terrier
Gemma the Whippet
oyce the Irish Wolfhound
toft liana the newfoundland amigurumi crochet animal toft simay the pekingese amigurumi crochet animal toft maddison the papillon amigurumi crochet animal toft don the byron the star pei amigurumi crochet animal toft wainwright the lakeland terrier amigurumi crochet animal
Ilana the Newfoundland
Simay the Pekingese
Maddison the Papillon
Byron the Shar Pei
Wainwright the Lakeland Terrier
toft honey the corgi amigurumi crochet animal toft Andreas the mudi amigurumi crochet animal toft hugo the brussels griffon amigurumi crochet animal toft lola the beagle amigurumi crochet animal toft columbus the red tibetan mastiff amigurumi crochet animal
Honey the Corgi
Andreas the Mudi
Hugo the Brussels Griffon
Lola the Beagle
Columbus the Red Tibetan Mastiff
toft barney the boston terrier amigurumi crochet animal toft vera the english bulldog amigurumi crochet animal toft riley the st bernard  amigurumi crochet animal toft alison the great dane amigurumi crochet animal toft felicity the doberman amigurumi crochet animal
Barney the Boston Terrier
Vera the English Bulldog
iley the St Bernard
lison the Great Dane
elicity the Doberman
toft tamara the Pomeranian amigurumi crochet animal toft gideon the skye terrier amigurumi crochet animal toft carol the lowchen amigurumi crochet animal toft wendy the dandy dinmont amigurumi crochet animal toft patrick the affenpinscher amigurumi crochet animal
Tamara the Pomeranian
Gideon the Skye Terrier
Carol the Lowchen
Wendy the Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Patrick the Affenpinscher
toft aaron the lurcher amigurumi crochet animal toft eloise the saluki amigurumi crochet animal toft brandon the wire fox terrier amigurumi crochet animal toft heather the cairn terrier amigurumi crochet animal lucas
Aaron the Lurcher
Eloise the Saluki
Brandon the Wirefox Terrier
Heather the Cairn Terrier
Lucas the Saiga Antelope
morag crochet highland cow toft amigurumi
Morag the Highland Coo
Billie the Jaguar
Abigail the Pine Marten
Owen the Wildebeest
Gina the Striped Hyena
Christine the Shetland Sheepdog
Arlo the Marine Otter
Andrew the Sea Otter
Liam the Giant Otter
Didier the Poitou Donkey
toft cheryl the australian cattle dog amigurumi crochet animal toft daisy the scottish sheepdog amigurumi crochet animal
Cheryl the Australian Cattle Dog
Daisy the Scottish Sheepdog
Helen the Pygmy Shrew

irsty the Aye-Aye

ieran the Binturong
dylan the slow loris, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord cybil the sugar glider, edsanimals, eds crochet, edwards crochet, kerry lord
Declan the Slow Loris
Cybil the Sugar Glider

Jane the Pangolin

Gordon the Golden Snub Nosed Monkey
Melchior the Maine Coon
dylan the slow loris, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord dylan the slow loris, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Noel the Chipmunk
Arnold the Warty Pig
Amanda the Cockapoo
Mason the Elephant Shrew
Dougie the Pride Ram
Brendan, numbat, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord Isaac, American, bison, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord Theresa, Briard, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord andras, black, welsh, sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord Grace, Jerboa, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Brendan the Numbat
Isaac the American Bison
Theresa the Briard
Andras the Black Welsh Sheep
Grace the Jerboa
Corriedale Sheep, Marian, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord Romney, sheep, Everett, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord gotland, sheep, Wayne, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord Lester, white, boar, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord pink, fairy, armadillo, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Marian the Corriedale Sheep
Everett the Romney Sheep
Wayne the Gotland Sheep
Lester the White Boar
Paige the Pink Fairy Armadillo
schnoodle, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord patter dale, Denzel, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord wire, haired, dachshundl, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord viszla, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord bernese, mountain, dog, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Madeline the Schnoodle
Denzel the Patterdale
Garrett the Wire-Haired Dachshund
Bernadette the Viszla
Chester the Bernese Mountain Dog
bearded, collie, Josephine, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord long, haired, dachshund, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord short, haired, chihuahua, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord Maltese, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord wheaten, terrier, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Josephine the Bearded Collie
Lily the Long-Haired Dachshund
Hilary the Short-Haired Chihuahua
Dirk the Maltese
Valentine the Wheaten Terrier
japanese, chin, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord malamute, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord labradoodle, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord puggle, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sprocker, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Patience the Japanese Chin
Warren the Malamute
Napoleon the Labradoodle
Rupert the Puggle
Larry the Sprocker
ring, tailed, lemur, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord silky, sifaka, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord coquerel's, sifaka, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord red, ruffed, lemur, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord lowland, streaked, tenrec, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Lionel the Ring Tailed Lemur
Ethan the Silky Sifaka

Sharon the Coquerel's Sifaka

Rocco the Red Ruffed Lemur
Dean the Lowland Streaked Tenrec
jersey, cow, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord yule, goat, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord lincoln, long wool, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord horse, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord rabbit, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Hilda the Jersey Cow
Elden the Yule Goat
Nigella the Lincoln Longwool Sheep
Bonnie the Horse
Beth the Dutch Rabbit
guinea pig, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord ocelot, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord marmoset, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord mandrill, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord vicuna, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Perry the Guinea Pig
Andrea the Ocelot
Leah the Common Marmoset
Zeus the Mandrill

Luciana the Vicuna

alpaca, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord

Bianca the Guanaco

Jeffrey the Manx
Loaghtan Sheep

Ainsley the Shetland Sheep
Dwi the Sunda Tiger
Tucker the Jack Russel
sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord

Pepper the Cavapoo

Albus the African
Sonya the Angora
Merlin the Ghost Bat
Harley the Pika
sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord

Nora the Himalayan Rabbit

Phileus the Quagga
Sal the Roloway Monkey
Savanna the African Painted Dog
Milo the Dog
sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Quincy the Capybara
Shelby the Porcupine
Amit the Nubian Ibex
Lulu the Red Tabby Cat
Paddy the Black and White Cat
sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord sheep, eds animals, edwards crochet, edwards menagerie, kerry lord
Wilhelm the Sabre-Toothed Tiger
Ray the Manchester Terrier
Morus the Tri-Coloured Pembroke Corgi
Martyn the Tibetan Blue Bear
Brick the Gopher
Pierson the American Badger
Orion the Wolverine
Cheyenne the Cougar
Kenny the Crested Porcupine
Chase the Coyote