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Welcome to TOFT, a British craft company

TOFT is a British craft company based in rural Warwickshire and home of the Edward's Menagerie and Alexandra's Garden collections of crochet animals and flowers by Kerry Lord. Bringing traditional crafts and contemporary designs together using luxury materials, we specialise in beginner knit and crochet kits and have a wide range of pattern books and British wool. Shop with us online for delivery worldwide.  

 *Postage offer Terms and Conditions 
- UK postage will be free over £10 basket total
- £5 discount on shipping for international orders over £10 basket total (after your VAT discount if applicable, please note books & magazines are zero rated and therefore do not give you a VAT discount)
- The basket total does not include items that do not get shipped, for example downloadable patterns, digital vouchers and pre-order items.
- Excludes express postage.
- Offer valid when checking out on only (excludes
- This postage offer runs from 11am GMT Thursday 13th February 2025 until 9am GMT Monday 17th February 2025.